What is reality? The truth be told, it is that which adheres to what is real by way of a power that lies beyond our ability to comprehend at a merely natural level of thinking. We cannot ever hope to know what is true about our existence if we only consider the intellects of men to provide us with the answers. It is because from one man to the next, opinions are merely subjective according to their personal, individual foundations of belief. Even as I write, at the surface we may rightly state that what is being expressed from my point of view is in accordance with my own subjective philosophy about life and therefore carries no weight behind it. Any man's belief in another man's opinion apart from the truth means nothing in the end.
So where does this leave us? We are abandoned to a box, to a place without answers lest we submit to the story of another far greater.
The most important question we will ever ask ourselves is, What is Real?, and the greatest endeavor we will ever undertake is to embark on a quest to find the answer. Ironically, in so many ways we already know of real things, yet we question these realities because of the work of deceptive forces we're unaware of. We know what is real in all the small things, in all the main and plain things, yet there is a point of disconnection. A true severing of an essential union has occurred in our past, and as a result we have lost our way, our identity, and any form of real hope apart from the repair of that union. It is a unification that is spiritual in nature, not physical, and this is the beginning of knowledge. Reality is rooted in the connection to, and the knowing of, an objective entity who demands, requires, and deserves all the glory and power present in the universe. This entity is the only One who can reveal what is real to his subjects. He is God; He is Real; He is the Truth itself; and "He is Good, but not Safe" (C.S. Lewis). These things are true but unknowable apart from Him and His counsel. We will never know what is real on our own. In reality we are broken spiritual/physical subjects of unknowable, unrealized complexity; subjects of an intelligent designer so majestic we cannot begin to imagine His Height nor breadth. It is He that is real, and He that is the object of our desire.
On the Road to Reality we become connected to the true spirit, Gods spirit flowing through us. The only way to see is by subjecting ourselves to the leading of that spirit as opposed to one led and directed by men. If we can do this thing we will know all things through Him, and in the process find our way out of the box.
So where does this leave us? We are abandoned to a box, to a place without answers lest we submit to the story of another far greater.
The most important question we will ever ask ourselves is, What is Real?, and the greatest endeavor we will ever undertake is to embark on a quest to find the answer. Ironically, in so many ways we already know of real things, yet we question these realities because of the work of deceptive forces we're unaware of. We know what is real in all the small things, in all the main and plain things, yet there is a point of disconnection. A true severing of an essential union has occurred in our past, and as a result we have lost our way, our identity, and any form of real hope apart from the repair of that union. It is a unification that is spiritual in nature, not physical, and this is the beginning of knowledge. Reality is rooted in the connection to, and the knowing of, an objective entity who demands, requires, and deserves all the glory and power present in the universe. This entity is the only One who can reveal what is real to his subjects. He is God; He is Real; He is the Truth itself; and "He is Good, but not Safe" (C.S. Lewis). These things are true but unknowable apart from Him and His counsel. We will never know what is real on our own. In reality we are broken spiritual/physical subjects of unknowable, unrealized complexity; subjects of an intelligent designer so majestic we cannot begin to imagine His Height nor breadth. It is He that is real, and He that is the object of our desire.
On the Road to Reality we become connected to the true spirit, Gods spirit flowing through us. The only way to see is by subjecting ourselves to the leading of that spirit as opposed to one led and directed by men. If we can do this thing we will know all things through Him, and in the process find our way out of the box.