Allowing God
When I was growing up Burger King ran a marketing campaign to set themselves apart from the competition. Their slogan was "Have it your way", and it was highly successful because, lets face it, we all want things just the way we like them. Every one of us is unique, having different tastes in just about every little thing. Preferences mean freedom, individuality, and enjoyment. They are a part of life, part of Gods grand design intended for our pleasure, but within them there can be snares, traps, situations from which it is difficult to escape. Apart from hamburgers, in the real world the truth is that our way is seldom the best way, and most often venturing out on our own without the benefit of wise guidance leads us toward trouble.
It is only by faith that we know and understand that we are beings created in God's own image in a primarily spiritual way. By logical reasoning we realize that "what can be known about God is plain to us, because God has shown it to us. His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made." (Romans 1:19-20).
On our own, we are fully incapable of interpreting the world around us. God has given us the freedom to choose on every level, but in the end having things our way is foolishness because the want is rooted in the self first. Our way is not always the best way because we are limited in our scope of reality and therefore unable to account for all the necessary details required to make the world right. We are subjects in the Objects universe and we are bound by that Object whether we like it or not. Not liking the Objects creation reveals our selfishness and desire to make everything about us.
The following writings can help us to think a level deeper.
I am 60 Years Old
Soon, my body will die.
Head and shoulders above anything else is life itself, and this most amazing physical body will die.
This human body, gifted with dominion over all things on Earth will die.
It is not right. We all know it.
Why will this happen?
The answer is sure and clear, but what we believe steers us to countless summations.
What gives my body life?
What drives my body in every moment?
It is my spirit.
My body is officially dead ONLY when my spirit leaves it.
The body remains but the spirit, the life giver has departed.
Where did it come from?
Where is it going?
How can I know?
The answer cannot come from my human level, since it would be subject to the opinion of any and every other on that same plane.
I cannot know the origin of may spirit without the knowledge of One greater than I, One greater than all of us.
So yes, God.
It is logical
I can only know if I can determine who God is.
I can only know by petitioning Him to show me what is true.
Humanity on its own cannot accomplish this.
The REAL answers may only come from the objective source of all things.
The truth leads me back to one thing, the Truth.
Logically, there is only one truth to every story, so logically there can be only one true God who is the 'Truth' itself.
Which one is the ONE..?
How can I KNOW..?
I may only know by research, and a discerning, truth seeking heart that is passionate to be set free from deception (anything untrue).
The amazing reality of my life deserves more than my ignorance about it.
Desiring to know the reality of my life encourages the exploration of knowledge about it.
Over my lifetime I decide each day whether it is worthy of research or ignoring.
How do I see it..? I see it as far too amazing; it is more than worthy of the finding out.
Does it make sense that the origin and destiny of my existence should fall to ignoring..?
Ignorance is akin to cluelessness; innocence; obliviousness; unawareness and unfamiliarity by choice.
Ignoring is a state of current death or shock brought about by unrecognized fears concerning the realities of life.
I am too great a thing to allow my SELF to go undiscovered.
My life is worthy of a CERTAIN answer.
My life is worthy of a diligent search of each and every religion in a prayerful way to this One God who is Truth.
Is the answer available to me..?
Of course it is. It must be, otherwise there is no such thing as truth, and I know this to be untrue.
If and when I recognize the author of truth I will certainly be privy to 'The Greatest Story Ever Told.’
It makes sense.
And if and when I begin to see, would it not make sense that exponential clarity will then follow..?
It makes sense.
I am 60 years old.
Soon my body will die
Yet I will still be alive.
I am too great a creation.
I am an entity.
Too much has gone into my making to be cast away.
So I seek, I journey, I quest as a worthy priority.
If I seek to know what is true, in effect I am stating that the one thing that gives me life, my spirit, has been mysteriously ungrounded by some 'larger than life deception.’
Some scenario greater than mine is playing out on a higher level.
I cannot overcome on my own. I need answers that do not originate with man.
At some point in the past I have lost my footing.
This has been true of my life. Deception has unseated me, and if this is true for me, logically it is true for all of humanity, since one truth by its very nature permeates all things and leads back to one thing.
Where did this deception come from if this Objective authority I am seeking is purely true..?
The God of the Bible says it originated from a created angel.
The Bible says that this angel was the most beautiful of all Gods angelic hosts.
The angels name was ‘Lucifer’, which means ‘Light bringer’ or 'Day Star’.
The God of the Bible says God is a God of Love
Love is not coerced.
It is a condition arrived at by free will.
In order for love to BE at all, it must come with a right to rebel against it.
God tells me there were many angels, but that this one, Lucifer, was the first to choose rebellion against all that was pure in the created universe.
Once Lucifer rebelled, other angels in the heavenliness followed him, believing they would succeed in this rebellion.
These following angels became known as 'demons.'
Lucifer's name became ‘Satan’ which means ‘adversary’ because he was against God and desired the position God held.
He was part of the creation but desired the position of creator.
Satan made the choice to exalt himself instead of God, wanting to be equal to Him, not subject to Him.
God cast him out of His presence to the earth. That is what the God of the Bible has said.
'Satan' became the god of the earth; the god of deception, not truth.
Then God created man
God says He created man with the same free will, knowing it was necessary for love to grow.
Love is not coerced.
By that same free will, in the spirit of Lucifer, man too made the inevitable choice and rebelled against God, and 'death' came into being.
According to what God has said in the Bible, Angels do not die because they are spirit.
Death comes to the body.
There is a spiritual death too, but only in the sense that the spiritually dead are separated from God, cast away, yet still alive.
Mankind is BODY and SPIRIT. I am body and spirit, and my body will die, but my spirit will live, because spirits do not die.
God made the body so that it could be used as a sacrifice, as a symbol, as an example of what it means to love by the use of death.
Jesus would come incarnate and live the life unblemished, the life desired by his Father, our Father; the life that was right (righteous) to live, and then die for all of creation as the only worthy sacrifice.
He would die for each one of us individually, as well as the creation as a whole by accepting the penalty of death for the rebellion of every man.
Jesus life was my example, our example of how we must see our lives. God says I must sacrifice my will to His.
By doing as Jesus did.
By living life inside of the far larger reality of it, which means stepping through the doorway that keeps us locked away from Truth (God).
Jesus lived that way as an example for us to follow.
Jesus lived by the essence of faith.
All of my sin (my inescapable position) would be forgiven if I would only believe in the story God was telling me about this life.
That act of rebellion was, and is, called SIN. It is rebellion against wholeness and truth, or God Himself.
God says that he is pure and all powerful, pure justice, and thus cannot sin.
Once the first man sinned, all men would then be infected by it, born into a life impure.
All men would be born as sinners, naturally acting out against the spirit of truth, or God.
Under these conditions, every man was separated from God at birth.
Deception was now ground floor stuff, with the spirit of Satan filling the air, dominate to the point of seemingly impossible escape.
But Jesus Christ is made the doorway to the truth about all things, by FAITH.
I must remember this is SPIRITUAL.
I cannot understand SPIRITUAL things while continuing to think in the ways of the flesh.
I must begin to see the amazing nature of my body, but remember that it is only alive by this eternally more incredible spirit.
It is so much bigger than me, this spirit and truth thing.
I will live in spirit forever.
My body will die.
My spirit will go on, but…
God tells me by the Spirit that is Holy (pure, just, whole, unblemished, true) that my most amazing spirit will either be with Him forever, or separated from Him eternally at my physical death.
This is precisely what God is telling me in His Word to me, but I must believe IT IS HIM that is speaking, by His Spirit of TRUTH.
I am 60 years old
Death is nearer but I do not fear it because I have FACED its challenge to me.
I have faced it and questioned its reality with a rightly humbled heart in need of the truth about it.
I am so excited..!
Yet, in my humanity, I am rightly anxious.
My physical life, the most critical time of my existence is nearing completion.
God tells me by His word that I am made in His image.
I used to think this meant that I was made in His image in a primarily physical way.
Now, knowing that God is Spirit, I see more clearly the Truth (God).
I know now that I too am primarily spirit, not flesh.
The Truth (God) is, the Spirit (God) is the thing that gives me life.
Knowing this, that I am made in His image, bright light is shed on me.
Gods revealed character is my mirror, the true reflection of my life, the true reflection revealing what it means to be human and alive in spirit.
I am in unison with God (who tells me He is FATHER) in the same way I am father to my earthly children.
It is the same relationship, father to son or father to daughter, with the same emotions, will, and hopes and dreams that my Father in Heaven has for me.
I hope that my kids will be with me forever; that they will not stray and go there own way thinking they can blaze their own trail, one that is better than the one shown by the all knowing spiritual FATHER of us all.
I have found out a very important thing.
After much weeping and petition to God I have finally been enabled to discern and separate His Wisdom vs. the wisdom of men.
I used to think it was all the same wisdom
It is not.
The wisdom of men is not from God, it is from Satan himself.
It is adversarial, opposed, contrary, against what is right.
It is confusing, misleading, intentionally disruptive and destructive to Gods amazing created entities (each and every one of us).
Being enabled to see the Truth, we recognize with increasing clarity the diabolical nature of what it is we’re dealing with when it comes to this leader of God’s fallen angels.
He is the father of lies; the initiator of this wisdom from the creation instead of the Creator.
The lies are seemingly insignificant deceptions.
They always begin small, and in the midst of our innocence they cause us to grow up into a way of life that we believe to be true, but we have become jaded.
If we don’t break out by recognizing the signs that things are wrong all around us we face the unimaginable destiny that Satan so slyly intends for our souls.
We place ourselves ahead of God when we find it reasonable to ignore Him.
And this in itself is Satan’s veiled spirit.
Crafty, sly, evil at its core.
Deceptively leading with the lie, with his own heart that has sworn to oppose, cheat, steal, kill and destroy all that God has made (this means YOU) while posing as a comforting friend.
He is a great and powerful thing, this adversary.
And he is highly underestimated.
In truth, his greatest weapon against us is our unbelief in the reality of his existence in and over our lives.
His wisdom is the wisdom of men.
His wisdom permeates many of our Christians churches where leaders have turned their hearts toward themselves for selfish gain.
But UNDERSTAND, not all churches are led in this way.
If this were so Gods Church would not remain.
True power is UNSEEN, unrecognized in a world led by a spirit that is antagonistic toward it.
Seeing true wisdom, Gods Wisdom, I understand there are layers of lies that must be peeled away like scales from the eyes.
Prior to the peeling away, Gods great and amazing truths stand before us, calling us to recognize their reality by His spirit that is HOLY (unbroken).
The unbelieving sit in wonder.
They wonder in their unbelief how this Christian faith has survived, but the wondering is preceded by the thing that is so much bigger than them.
The wondering is preceded by the adversary, in the adversaries world, by the adversaries controlling media, which they believe because it is a thing they CAN see, hear, feel, touch and taste with the senses.
They have been deceived into believing the lie that this is the end of science, and consequently their ability to know reality.
And thus the great Satan has succeeded with them.
He has succeeded in shutting out the obvious.
He has succeeded in his primary effort of diversion away from the truth about spiritual things.
He knows if he can simply keep the created man separated from the truth of his spiritual nature (our essence), his work is done.
If he can succeed in teaching that there is no other wisdom beyond the wisdom of man, he has succeeded in keeping them locked up in the box.
Pandora’s box, i.e. - a process that generates many complicated problems as result of unwise interference in something.
That interference is the process of attempting to re-write the truth about life (reality) that has been set in place by the Creator of it.
God gives us a glimpse into reality by revealing Himself to us.
True things reveal Him.
I have done electrical work for forty years.
For the first thirty-five I never realized a very important thing, a parable.
Parables are parallel pictures or stories that reveal God by revealing true things in life (remembering God is Truth).
Electricity is quite a thing and it teaches us a great truth we already know.
In a simple electrical circuit there is a most important wire.
It is called a ground wire and its function is to keep the voltage flowing at a steady level. Without it, that voltage is subject to wild fluctuations that are unsafe and damaging to the equipment it is designed to control.
Within this reality, Truth (or God) springs forth.
Inside the reality of things there are SIGNS that point to Him.
Through the function of an electrical circuit God shows us that we too, need a tether.
We NEED to be grounded, and He is that grounding.
Without it (Him), we too are subject to wild uncontrolled fluctuations that are damaging to everyone and everything we come into contact with.
And how is this grounding accomplished..?
At the ground floor, it is accomplished by and through words; is it not..?
Words are the beginning and the end of everything.
Without words nothing is accomplished.
And God, our creator has told us this in the beginning of the Gospel of John. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
After some growth you will find that 'Jesus Christ' is that Word that grounds our lives and then exponentially reveals reality.
Yes, it is a spiritual thing. God, Jesus, Words; This is our loading dock.
What gives us comfort and peace..?
It is steadiness, not wild unannounced fluctuations that seem beyond our ability to control.
The word that comes through Jesus Christ is true, and in that truth comes the steadiness.
Apart from the truth there can be no steadiness, no constant certainty because we’ve been broken off from the Truth (God) by DOUBT.
Our disconnection from ground has brought the Truth (God) into question.
When doubt gains a footing, fluctuations begin, and comfort and peace are no longer constant.
Jesus also tells us in John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you WILL bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.