Writings and Reflections...
Reading grows our passion to express ourselves through writing, and writings inspire us to read. We admit that when we're inspired, we become like roots growing deeper, reaching, stretching, desiring more of the same because we LOVE the way it makes us feel.
In Writings and Reflections I share patterns of thought from multiple authors who have been instrumental in increasing the power factor in my life. There is a secret to their success. All have believed, and received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, and made Him Lord over their lives.
In these thoughts there is beautiful foundation. Through belief, we will walk on them and find the grand design of reality being revealed before our eyes. We miss so much in our ignoring. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks the door will be opened." Jesus, (Matthew 7:7-8)